an entrepreneurship’s quarrel.
In the beginning stages of entrepreneurship I found myself completely thrown off by the fact that complmete strangers were rooting for me. I had people I barely spoke to in school sharing and liking my posts but where were my day ones? The day that really hit me was every milestone that has happened with Iconic Minds.
Website launch.
New Instagram launch.
New service launch.
Why weren't they spreading the word that I’ve been busting my ass to get here? The people I talked about my dreams, goals & future with were M I A. ( Missing in action). I could post about my business with little to no love on it with a 1.2K following on my personal page but when I post myself, new hairdo, or laced in the flyest fit, they all over it.
I didn't get it myself. Until I saw a sermon that said that when you go higher, you circle gets smaller. Where you’re going might not be where God trying to take them too. And he’s not going to elevate you until to let go! They don't see the potential in you eye to eye so why bring them to the next level? All that baggage is just weighing you down. Worrying and praying doesn’t go together, my friend.
Stop worrying about why your fam isn’t showing love. Focus on the people rooting for you and keep doing you because those same strangers telling somebody you got the juice.